COMN 2700- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 34 pages long!)

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Who gets it (and whats the reward) Who does not? (and whats the penalty) Media in our media world develop within an existing set of specific frameworks: economic, social, cultural, political, historical. These frameworks are represented in and through media discourse: which either explicitly or implicitly (ideology) make, mark, and maintain social difference and therefore social inequities. As economic and political citizens it is our responsibility to hold all control systems, institutions, media, and government representatives accountable to fair and equitable access and just representations. To do this we must: ensure we all have unfiltered access to freedom of speech, press, association, and access to information, be critical consumers of media, culture & society. Difficult to define, but the textbook defines it as: the technologically developed communication industries, normally making money, that can transmit information and entertainment across time and space to individuals and/or large groups of people.