COMN 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Content Analysis, Authorial Intent, Mass Society

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Exam review: key terms and areas to study. Below i have listed the key terms and concepts from the course. In some cases i have grouped together related terms, and for a few i have indicated the authors that discuss them. All of these could potentially appear on the exam. Models of communication: sender-receiver (shannon-weaver model); transmission vs. social model; administrative vs. critical model. Encoding/decoding (from stuart hall; see the chart on lg&s p. 93). Related ideas include dominant, negotiated, and oppositional forms of interpretation. Oral/literate/electronic cultures (time vs. space bias [innis]: print culture, digital culture. Telegraph and its impacts (economic, social, time/space) Mcluhan: global village; medium is the message. Theories of content/interpretation: literary criticism; semiotics; discourse analysis; narrative analysis; genre theory; authorial intent; critical political economy; content analysis; structuralism; post- structuralism. Theories and approaches to the audience: industry/administrative; hypodermic needle/magic bullet; uses and gratification; reception analysis; agenda setting; framing; gatekeeping; effects. New media and the audience (smith and watson).