BIOL 2021 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cancer Stem Cell, Chek1, Gene

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13 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Ion channels, neurotransmitters: video 20. 1 breast cancer cells, normal cells organize into a polarized epithelium, cancer cells form into disorganized clumps which form tumors in the body, cell division/ cell cycle, cancer, extracellular matrix. Fig 1-36: yeast electron micrographs (scanning and tem: scan electron micrograph of. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, budding yeast- rapidly reproduces by protruding of cell which eventually separates from rest of cell: transmission electron micrograph- cross section. Single celled organism from kingdom of fungi. Tough cell wall, relatively immobile, has mitochondria but lacks chloroplasts. Reproduces: simple cell division or sexually (two haploid cells fusing to form diploid with meiosis then separating back into haploid) Cytoskeleton provides cell with: strength, shape control and guided movement. Visible light focused by condenser and eye objectives + lenses help project image in the eye. Fig 9-10a: staining of cellular components: urine ducts in stained collecting kidney with hematoxylin and eosin. Closely packed cells that form a ring.