BIOL 1001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Allopatric Speciation, Sympatric Speciation, Drosophila Melanogaster

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18 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Chapter 5: speciation (origin of new species: explain the difference between anagenesis & cladogenesis. Anagenesis existing species (parent species) becomes a new species (daughter species) & parent species no longer exists = pseudoextincition. Cladogenesis parent species gives rise to daughter species as a separate branching population & both continue to coexist afterwards: can only increase the total number of species. Although anagenesis can occur, cladogenesis can account for the present day diversity of life on earth. Gene flow b/c exchange of alleles when interbreeding in populations occurs, can"t happen with species as isolation mechanisms occur: describe the biological species concept (bsc), with reference to the importance of gene flow & isolation mechanisms. Different mating songs, species-specific pheromones in fruit flies produced by both males & females: mechanical isolation due to anatomical incompatibility, gametic isolation - sperm dies before reaching, or can"t fuse with ova.