ANTH 3020 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Honor Killing, Homicide, European Canadian

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Tends to represent innocence, purity and an ideal man unfetter by civilization and corruption. A child of nature he befriends the white man and in its filmic rendition comes to present the possibility of assimilation into white culture. Described as bloodthirsty or cannibalistic, provides the antithesis of the noble savage. Often violent, morally questionable and very real physical and psychological threat to colonizer. American political and social iconography depicts his or her resistance to assimilation as a sign of weak moral fiber and inability to change. Ex. reactionary warrior who fights for his land and threatens white woman hood. Ex. drunken indian whose weakness and inability to assimilate surface in his/her alcoholism. Princess and sexualized maiden and the 1970s and 1990s as a hybrid of the two: Initiates cross-racial union and integration or absorption of one group into another but by carrying through that union she transgresses taboos against interracial mixing and must pay price with her life.