ANTH 1120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jardim Gramacho, Rust Belt, Theft

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Losing their jobs affected rustbelt men"s masculinity in two ways: the concept of fatherhood and the the traditional gender roles. First, losing their factory jobs did not just cause financial difficulties, but also caused them to rethink their identity as a man and as a father and husband. Losing their jobs affected the idea of the breadwinning male . Hegemonic masculinity is male privilege that promotes the dominant social position of men. The breadwinner idea provides the framework of successful fatherhood which includes providing, protecting, endowing, and instilling emotional closeness. Their identities as workers helped them understand their roles as fathers. Therefore, losing their factory jobs affected their conceptions of fatherhood because they can no longer earned the right to a wage that enables them to perform the concept of breadwinning male . Second, the concept of gender roles also affected rustbelt men"s masculinity. Most of the men working in maytag company were members of dual-earner families.