ANTH 1120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Precarious Work, Lubicon Lake Indian Nation, Post-Fordism

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Unremunerated as workers are not monetarily compensated. Strategy of organizing company production as it improves productivity. This includes part-time, temporary work, for an example, a catadores. They can show up whenever they want, can work double shifts, leave work when they please and have a constant source of income. The political, economic and cultural process in which a nation states, organization or individual is interdependent. Globalization includes moving manufacturing to where labour is cheaper. This is notion of free markets and a reformed theory of liberalism. It supports the notion of stress-free markets and free trade to promote the flow of capital and goods. It"s an economic philosophy that wants markets to regulate society through liberating property rights, free markets and free trade. These are two global institutions established in the bretton woods conference, a meeting arranged to help with the reconstruction of europe. Initially it was to help rebuild europe but it later helped third world countries.