ANTH 1120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Terra Nullius, Sociocultural Anthropology, Cultural Relativism

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Document Summary

Sociocultural anthropology: social science that studies culture. Culture the way groups of people live; system of meaning shared by a group; usually an unconscious, taken for granted reality that operates in the background; includes the standards of value through which acion is judged. Paricipant observaion is the most important part (hanging out with the people and do what they do) Cultural relaivism it is useless wrong to judge beliefs and behaviours. Inequality we live in an inequitable world, but this is not natural, normal or inevitable. Forced change in which one culture, society or naion dominate another. Need to know this happened in the late 1880s. First island that columbus landed on is now a part of the bahamas. Very short ime the spanish mass murdered most of them and stole from them. Some of the worst things that human beings have done to each other.