ANTH 1120 Study Guide - Final Guide: First Nations, Barbecue, Royal Canadian Mounted Police

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The other can live outside the borders of the nation-state. The other can also be located inside the boundaries of the nation- state. Immigration is another way in which others can be produced. Immigrant others are often constructed in terms of racial identities. Race and ethnicity are often important features in national identity narratives of who belongs and who doesn"t. Another way in which national identities are created and reinforced is through educational institutions. Most of the worlds nation states, the nation state is composed of people with different languages, culture, heritages, so creating a nation is not an easy task. The leaders of the nation must persuade people as members of a common community. Getting people to imagine or believe in the nation is not easy. The nation state in order to work has to recognized by its citizens as a legitimate state of authority and holds rules.