ANTH 1120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Middle Ages, Ethnocide, Symbolic Power

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Nation-states are one possibility out of many potential political formations. However, the nation state is the most powerful political formation in our world today. Nation is a collection of people who share a common language, worldview, and or ancestry. A nation" is a collection of people who share a common language, world view and ancestry. A state" is a form of society characterized by a hierarchical ranking of people and centralized political control. Most anthropologists would agree that states existed for nation states different classes. People have specialized trait occupations which leads to: another feature of state is the authority of that ruling. Lecture 10: what caused the formation of the nation-state: review, what is a nation-state? or the land owner. The centralized authority is what states are characterized by: when there is a conflict-resolution carried out by governing authorities, states emerged alongside or out of large cities.