ANTH 1120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Canadian Nationalism, Canadian Identity, Royal Canadian Mounted Police

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These others can be internal or a criteria, including physical characteristics, religion, language. Overall, they are seen as inferior and go against the norm standards for that nation. The indigenous peoples of canada are an example of a category of the internal. They are deemed inferior to the nation, and victims of the state. Ultimately the lack of care and resistance to improve the conditions faced by the. Indigenous communities negatively depicts the canada"s nationalism as well as its national identity, as it persists to allow life-long problems to continue, and endure to view them as the nation"s internal other". These term is therefore an important narrative, as it displays who is and who is not technically a part of the nation. And, when analyzing this, it is clear that race and ethnicity, and sexuality are important features in national identity narratives of who belongs and who doesn"t.