ADMS 3660 Study Guide - Final Guide: Quid Pro Quo, Deontological Ethics, Moodle

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This is a largely fictional case it involves fictional characters and companies. However, it draws on a variety of actual cases. In writing the report, identify the main issues and discuss each separately. There are four to six distinct situations (e. g. sexual harassment issue or health and safety issue) its up to you to identify them correctly and analyze them. One or one and a half single-spaced pages per issue should be sufficient, but it can be a bit more or a bit less depending on the complexity of the issue. Although you have some freedom in how you can approach the analysis, i suggest that each section contains the following parts: identify the problem and assess it. If there were a sexual harassment situation, you could determine what kind discrimination it was (quid pro quo or poisoned environment) and whether the actions of the individuals amount to sexual harassment.