ADMS 3660 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Oxymoron, Prime Time, Business Ethics

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These are the factors: societal beliefs regarding success in business: that the only successful businesses are dishonest ones. That business ethics is an oxymoron: affluence and education: affluence: refers to the level of wealth, disposable income and standard of living of society. This contributes to higher expectations of societies institutions: awareness through the media: power of tv. Commercials: revolution of rising expectations: maybe that each generation ought to have a standard of living better than the one before them. Criticisms of business: use and abuse of power. Business power refers to the ability or capacity to produce an effect to bring an influence to bear on a situation or people. Levels of power: epstein identified 4 such levels: macro level refers to the corporate or business system, the totality of business organizations. Example airlines, power companies, banks: micro level: single firm, individual level; refers to the individual corporate leader exerting power. Spheres of power economic, political, social/cultural, individual, technology,