ADMS 2610 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Treasury Board, Ultra Vires, Supreme Court Act

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If not, (cid:498) )s the annexed proposal for an act respecting certain aspects of legal capacity for particular or particulars, and to what extent? (cid:499) perform marriages that are not in accordance with their religious beliefs. (cid:499) Nothing in this act affects the freedom of officials of religious groups to refuse to. Section 2 of the proposed act relates to those who may (or must) perform marriages. Legislative competence over the performance or solemnization of marriage is exclusively allocated to the provinces under s. 92(12) of the constitution act, 1867. Section 2 of the proposed legislation is ultra vires parliament. C was never charged with any offence in relation to the money, items, or with any drug related activity. Attorney general of ontario was granted an order under the civil remedies act, 2001 (cid:523)(cid:498)cra(cid:499)(cid:524) preserving the seized money and equipment. 3 and the cra"s constitutionality, arguing that the cra"s forfeiture provisions were ultra.