WS100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lucretia Mott, Fetus, Intersex

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In preparation for the midterm exam, be sure to have read online lessons/modules 1-6 under your course content files, as well as ch. 1-5 and the articles assigned from your course reader for weeks 1-6 on your weekly schedule. The process of socialization acts to define particular responses or behaviours as being appropriate for each sex; for example, that boys and men are more aggressive. This is a way in which biology translates into a natural skill. The same is true of girls and women who are seen as biologically more nurturing and therefore better equipped than men to raise children. Gender includes the traits we learn daily that identify us as men or women. Sex, on the other hand, refers to the apparent biological differences that define us as embodying a male or female identity. 165: the expectation that everyone should be heterosexual, is a central component of the sexual scripts of most communities and societies, ableism (pg.