UU150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Voyeurism

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Bystander Training
In this course, we’re learning about the similarities and
differences that one can find all over the world as well as here at
home in Canada. We’ll explore the definition of family, friends,
religious obligation and observance, societal constraints and
accessibility, as well as how death is celebrated or mourned all
over the world. Yet, we’ll also be able to notice trends found in
most places around the world. These universal experiences can
be beautiful or terrible and everything in between. For the rest of
this module, we’ll be learning more about one such terrible and
globally experienced act: sexual violence. While you may not
have experienced sexual violence yourself, you most certainly
know or have met someone who has, even if they haven’t told
you about their experience(s). As students, it’s important to know
that some of you are at higher risk of experiencing sexual
violence and that you have a role to play in stopping sexual
violence from happening.
In what follows, we will learn the basic definitions of sexual
violence, consent, and who a bystander is. This will be followed
by resources, including a link to an interactive bystander
intervention site that you’re asked to take part in. Following this
information, you’re asked to take part in course-wide discussion
question about what you learned. Note, the following material
could be difficult and upsetting. The interactive online resource
has a built-in trigger button should you feel that you cannot
What is sexual violence?
As per Western University’s Centre for Research & Education on
Violence against Women & Children (2012, 3), sexual violence is
defined as:
A broad term that describes any violence, physical or
psychological, carried out through sexual means or by targeting
sexuality. This violence takes different forms including sexual
abuse, sexual assault, rape, incest, childhood sexual abuse and
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