SY101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 35 pages long!)

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SY101 Full Course Notes
SY101 Full Course Notes
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Two social forces in uencing suicide rates: social integration: connection between individuals and the group. Social control: regulating norms, values, expectations, individual responsibilities, etc: suicide is too much or too little. : need a balance: too much of either people could feel repressed and commit suicide, seniors less social integrated than younger and middle aged people, left out of everyday things (especially older men losing spouse) Monday, september 11, 2017: religion lose its social force. Individualistic types of suicide: egoistic suicide, weak social integration, excessive individual , e. g. elder losing a spouse, modern society creates egoistic individuals. Altruistic suicide: strong social integration & strong social control, e. g. People going to war to ght for their country: people may lose themselves in the strong beliefs and values. Sociological structures: social structure: the most basic, enduring, relative, stable and determinative patterns of social relations, e. g. Patriarchy, kinship, economy, politics, culture, sexuality, and racism: core problematic: structure vs agency.