[RE207] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (31 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Constontine i made christianity a legal religion (no fear, no torture if. Christian) and became a christian himself before he died. The impact of roman catholicism and its italian setting have been profound in the western world. For better or worse, the catholic church has had an enormous influence in the way we think, feel, do business, run our country, etc. Novelistic don"t remember but enjoy it. Academic/critical reading: find a handful of ideas that the author really wants you to know, sometimes very basic and general. The german-american theologian paul tillich (1886-1965) defined religion succinctly as ultimate concern. That is to say, religion amounts to reflection upon topics or issues of paramount importance in life (for instance, human origin; human purpose; human fate). Vertical : it characterizes religion in terms of priority ideas. It gets around the problem of the question of does religion involve a god or gods? the answer is no not necessarily.