PS390 Study Guide - Final Guide: Karen Horney, Erich Fromm, Penis Envy

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12 Aug 2019

Document Summary

Freud himself did not concentrate on connection b/w the unconscious and social behaviour, second-gen psychoanalysts were political socialists, and the connection came naturally to them. Great deal of psychoanalytic theory focused on individuals" intrapsychic phenomena with or without attention to the quality of the mother-child relationship. Developed individual psychology, which many consider independent of freud"s work. Posits several drives: aggression, striving for respect, pleasure, preservation of the species. When one of these is off balance, the person strives to correct it through compensation. Freud agreed w many aspects of adler"s theory and adler"s ideas were used in later generations of psychoanalytic theory (ex karen horney, erich fromm) Horney challenged freud"s approach in a book titled new ways in psychoanalysis". Felt social/cultural forces were influential in personal development and needed to be understood as part of human psychology. Looked at causes of current anxieties, rather than focusing on childhood issues like freud.