PS389 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, The Need, Divine Command Theory

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9 Feb 2021

Document Summary

Psychology: the study of human behaviour in all its forma, including how we develop, learn, see the world, & interact w/ others. The beginnings of modern positive psychology: positive psychology: an introduction (2000) martin seligman & mihaly. Csikszentmihalyi: criticized disease model of psychology, focus: pathology, need to focus on: how we flourish (not flounder), human strength, Positive psychology definitions: the scientific study of what makes life worth living, the scientific study of what enables individuals and communities to thrive. Identify and use talents & strengths: more positive feelings than negative, satisfied w/ life, engaged in activities, close relationships (friends, family, neighbours, colleagues, contributing member of social community, meaning & purpose. It is not the goal to eliminate negative emotions. Positive psychology as a branch of psychology: positive psychology is considered a sub-discipline of psychology, components of positive psychology, researchers, practitioners, associations, journals, conferences, encompasses many disciplines. If you do not follow commandments of god = punishment.