PS381- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 59 pages long!)

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11 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Cbt therapies: enhance the therapy experience by providing engaging or unique learning opportunities, more accessible, disadvantages, cat attempts were made to construct programs that used. Natural language , in which the computer would try to engage users with dialogue that was similar to that used in therapeutic communication between patient and clinician in nondirective or supportive psychotherapy: unable to duplicate therapeutic interviews accurately. Consistency with ip style: social interaction, two unrelated dimensions, shown on cartesian plane, y-axis: dominance aka status, control, power, agency, x-axis: friendliness aka affiliation, warmth, love, communion, quadrants (carson, 1982) dominant, friendly. Submissive, and hostile: circumplex (circle, prototype, fuzzy set quality- think of boundaries as being fuzzy and permeable lines rather than definitive, of the five: only two big five fit. Agreeableness: high: friendly, submissive low: dominant, hostile. Interpersonal transaction cycle: self-system covert experience (feelings, attributes, action tendencies) produces interpersonal behavior over experience. Evokes self-system tendencies produces interpersonal behavior: circle a b a b.