[PS285] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (39 pages long)

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Document Summary

Individual models: concerned with decisions individuals make (smoking, unprotected sex, how many partners etc) Indigenous cultures value the health of their community as much as their personal heath. Defining wellbeing: different valuations people make regarding their lives, bodies and minds, subjective wellbeing. In the mind of colonists african peoples were animals. Definitions: gross domestic product (gdp): a measure of economic output and the value of goods and services produced for final consumption, looks at inequality between countries, looks at effects of market crashes. Inequality between countries is the gap between the wealthiest and the most poor. Infant mortality rates effected (causes are macrostructural: colonisation is an ongoing issue not just in the past, still 40 million slaves in the world today, positive trend between infant mortality an gdp. Life expectancy and gdp: no significant relationship, a country being rich overall doesn"t indicate health. Inequality and social problems overall: what country you live in effects.