PS282- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 24 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

These models are often used to think about environments and their impacts on individuals: kelly"s ecological principles, social climate, social regularities, ecological psychology and behavior settings, activity settings, environmental psychology. context on human functioning understanding context. We need conceptual tools for viewing environments that help to demonstrate the role of. Research questions and purpose determine which model you might choose for a specific. These six models are not competing each model demonstrates different ways of. Ecological model 1: kelly"s ecological principles: different parts of an eco-system are interconnected, changes in any one part of the system will have ripple effects on other parts of the. Adaptation: focuses on transactions between person & environment, individuals, settings, and systems must adapt to changing conditions cyclically. Succession: expects that settings and individuals change over time, focuses on the historical context of a problem, important for problem definition and planning interventions.