PS280 Study Guide - Final Guide: Factitious Disorder, Emotional And Behavioral Disorders, Malingering

9 views3 pages
3 Jul 2019

Document Summary

Set of disorders where there is an occurence of physical symptoms for which there may or may not be a known physical cause. Excessive preoccupation w minor physical symptoms or excessive concern about normal bodily functioning. Since distubances are patient-identified, they are called symptoms not signs. Symptoms are not intentional or feigned (except factitious disorder) and not under voluntary control of individual. To be diagnosed, symptoms must cause clinically significant distress / result in impairment of functioning. Important to determine, once again, possibility of malingering. Incl. many who were previously diagnosed w hypochondriasis. Multupke, recurrent somatic symptoms incl pain, fatigue, nausea, numbness. Symptoms may be due to diagnosed medical disease or illness. Level of anxiety / impairment exceeds what is expected. Type / frequency of symptoms varies across cultures. Pain in 1+ sites that is severe enough to cause distress / disruption. Excessive, unrealistic thoughts, feelings, behaviours related to pain.