PS276 Study Guide - Final Guide: Premarital Sex, Safe Sex, Condom

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12 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Before puberty, kids still experience erotic feelings; they do not switch on at puberty however not until then can males ejaculate or females ovulate. Important to view intercourse as one activity in long progression (slow build up to it) than as an isolated behaviour. Autoerotic behaviour: experienced alone, masturbation (50% of boys/girls masturbate before 18) Most adolescents report talking about contraception after rather than before sex. Males overstate level of sexual activity and females understate it. Black males have sex first (15), white and hispanics at 16. 5, and asians at 18. Not much variation among girls, though hispanics and asians slightly later. Fears of pregnancy and disease most common reasons for abstinence: greatest increase in sex and greatest decline in age at first intercourse, has been among females. Since 1965, proportion of sexually experienced high school males has tripled, but females 5x. Sex differences in rates of intercourse today are negligible, esp by age 16.