PS276 Study Guide - Final Guide: No Child Left Behind Act, Compulsory Education, Positive Youth Development

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Document Summary

Shapes social world, shapes psychosocial development, social networks, and is chief educational arena. 1/3 of waking hours spent in school. School year is longer, and years spent in school is greater than in the past. Secondary education: refers to middle schools, junior high schools, and high schools. Rise of secondary education resulted from industrialization, urbanization, and immigration. Child labor laws: sought to protect the welfare of children as well as their own job security, limited the employment of minors. Social reformers: saw education as means of improving life circumstances of the poor and working class, saw compulsory education as means of social control. Went from being for the elite and intellectual to being comprehensive for all (social and working roles) Comprehensive high school: educational institution that promised to meet the needs of a diverse and growing population of youth. Courses like music, art, gym, health, etc. were added to prepare adolescents for family, leisure and work roles.