PS270 Study Guide - Final Guide: Blindsight, Social Exchange Theory, Diminishing Returns

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23 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Social psychology: scientific study of how people think about, influence and relate to one another. Focuses on individuals with methods that more often use experimentation. Focuses less on differences among individuals and more on how individuals in general view and affect one another. More individualistic in its content and more experimental in its method than sociology. Social psychology arose in 1898; the first social psychology texts did not appear until just after 1900 in france, italy and germany. As humans, we have an urge to explain behaviour, attribute it to some cause to make it seem orderly, predictable and controllable. Two people may react differently to similar situations. Attributing spouse"s insult to bad day or hostility. When someone"s behaviour is consistent and distinctive, we attribute their behaviour to their personality. Someone who makes repeated snide comments is likely to be viewed as someone with a nasty disposition and avoid that person. Our social intuitions are often powerful but sometimes perilous.