PS270 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: False Memory Syndrome, Psychosis, Persecutory Delusion

68 views3 pages
3 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Name 3 criteria that are used in cbca. Criterion-based content analysis (cbca) is a forensic tool that aims at distinguishing true from false statements made by crime victims. Assumes descriptions of real events differ in quality and content compared to fabricated descriptions. Logical structure, quality of details, unusual details. Identify the order of steps in the interview. Stepwise interview technique is a protocol with a series of steps. The interview starts with general questions leading to specific questions. Steps: rapport building, recall of neutral events, explanation of truth, intro of critical topics, free-narrative, general questions, specific questions, interview aids, conclude. Explain 3 criteria for determining the veracity of recovered memory developed by lindsay and read (1995) False memory syndrome is a client"s false belief that they were sexually abused as a child. They have no memories of this abuse until they enter therapy to deal with some other psychological problem.