PS270 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Group Polarization

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Deindividuated loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension; occurs in group situations that foster anonymity and draw attention away from the individual. Conformity a change in behaviour or belief in accord with other. Normative influence conformity based on a person"s desire to fulfil other"s expectations often to gain acceptance. Social exchange theory - the theory that human interactions are transactions that aim to maximize one"s rewards and minimize one"s cost. Out-group homogeneity effect perceptions of out-group members as more similar to one another than are in-group members; they are all alike and we are diverse . Obedience- a change of behaviour in accordance with a direct order from a figure of authority. Factors that affect obedience include, the victim"s distance, proximity and legitimacy of the authority figure, and institutional authority. Types of conformity: public compliance doesn"t change your underling beliefs, private acceptance does change your underling beliefs. Why do people conform: normative influence: wanting to be liked.