PS270 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pluralistic Ignorance

40 views2 pages
22 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Reciprocal altruism: get what you give. Rewards of helping others: arousal: cost reward model: Emotional and cognitive factors integrate: feeling good: Cooperation neurologically rewarding: negative state relief model: Help to improve mood: being good: Infants and chimps understand and offer help. Empathy: empathy can be increased through pro-social learning anf though experience: Empathy teds to: lead to helping, reduce prejudice and racism, deepen intimacy, reduce bullying, promote heroism, increase workplace health, improve doctor-patient relationships. I am the only one who is concerned, maybe there is something wrong with me: diffusion of responsibility: Others should/have/will do something: audience inhibition: Impact depends on what we think the audience will think. People are more likely to help when they are in a good mood, but people are not less likely to help if they are in a bad mood. Moods and helping: good mood effect: P. 383: bad moods doing good: