PS270 Study Guide - Final Guide: Victim Blaming, Weighted Arithmetic Mean, Negativity Bias

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22 Apr 2017

Document Summary

What is the self: affective, behavioural, cognitive. Introspection: self knowledge by looking inwards. Self perception theory: we watch our own behaviour. Over justi cation effect: intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation. Scripts: preset notions about certain types of situations, enable us to: Mind perception: attribution of human-like mental states to various animate and inanimate objects. Deception detection: four channels of communication: Attribution: the process by which we explain peoples behaviours. Correspondence inference theory: degree of choice: Being chosen is thought to be more telling: social desirability: Unexpected or out of place behaviours are thought to be more telling: consequences: Unique consequences thought to be more telling. Belief in a just world: individuals get what they deserve, and deserve what they get, victim blaming: The more threatened we feel, the more likely we are to blame the victim. Information integration theory: impressions formed of others are based on: A weighted average of a target persons traits. Deviations from the arithmetic: perceiver characteristics: