PS270 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cognitive Dissonance, Attitude Change, Social Proof

51 views3 pages
22 Apr 2017

Document Summary

How attitudes are measured: self -report measures, attitude scales, bogus pipeline, covert measures, emg, iat. Theory of reasoned action: behavioural intention, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control. Based on the assumption that a person is more likely to do what they intend to do. Assumes that a persons behavioural intentions depends on the persons attitude about the behaviour and subjective norms. Theory of planned behaviour: not all behaviour is under volitional control, attitude towards behaviour, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control. Two routes to persuasion: systematic (central route) Strong arguments are persuading: heuristic (perephrial): When people rely on cues/heuristics to make judgements about the message, without thinking carefully about the arguments: i. e experts know whats best. Credibility: easily faked, must be trustworthy, self-interest reduced appeal. Likability: similarity and attractiveness, persons in uence depends on our own level of involvement. Two sided arguments are better than one sided arguments: enhances credibility, provides cogent reasons why opposing arguments are wrong.