PS268 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Coca Wine, Local Anesthetic, Solvent

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17 Jul 2018

Document Summary

Cocaine (erythroxylon coca plant | schedule i drug) Alkaloid that creates intense feelings of pleasure, increased alertness, decreased appetite/need for sleep. Use traced to inca empire in peru (chewed the leaves, added calcified lime to raise mouth alkalinity) Purified by albert neimann in 1859 as part of phd thesis. Angelo mariani was french chemist, introduced coca leaf to public, mariani"s coca wine (1863) Karl koller introduced cocaine as local anaesthetic for eye surgery (now replaced by procaine/novocain) Freud (1884) studied it for morphine dependence and put friend fleishl into cocaine psychosis. When amphetamines became harder to obtain in 60s, cocaine use increased and began to symbolize wealth and fame (bc it was originally in hydrochloride form in expensive quantities, peak usage was 1986) In 80s dealers began selling smokeable crack cocaine (appeared cheaper, actually more expensive) Colombia #1 cultivator of coca bush, then peru, then bolivia.