[PS262] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 53 pages long Study Guide!

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When no tone is presented she says yes on 40 trials (saying yes when no stimulus called false alarm) and no on 60 trials (correct saying no when no stimulus called correct rejection) Colour serves important signalling functions, both natural and contrived by humans. Colour helps us identify and classify things. Colour helps facilitate perceptual organization; by which small elements become grouped perceptually into larger objects. Colour perception greatly facilitates the ability to tell one object from another and especially to pick out objects within scenes, an ability crucial to the survival of many species. Blue, green, yellow, red, and combinations of these terms. Colour researchers consider these colours to be pure or unique colours. Matches order of the colors in the visible spectrum short wavelength end of the spectrum is blue, green is in the middle, and yellow and red are at the long-wavelength end of the spectrum. Saturation: adding white to change a colour.