PS261 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: B. F. Skinner, Cognitive Dissonance, Walden Two

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9 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Discrete-trial procedures: running speed, latency, types of mazes. Operant response behaviour operating on the environment. Before you can observe operant behavior, you need to some training. Magazine training pairing a sound with the delivery of food. Shaping: reinforcement of successive approximations to the final behaviour, no reinforcement of earlier response forms. Observing changes in the likelihood of behaviour. Response rate frequency of response per minute. Fundamental elements of instrumental conditioning: the instrumental response, the outcome of the response, the relation between the response and the outcome, the instrumental response: How its nature determines positive reinforcement: response variability, belongingness. History: thorndike puzzle boxes trial and error law of effect. Modern approaches to instrumental conditioning: discrete trial procedures running speed, latency, types of mazes, bf skinner skinner boxes free-operant procedures shaping, positive and negative reinforcement, punishment, omission training. Fundamental elements of instrumental conditioning continues: the instrumental reinforcer. Quality of reinforce also depends on past expectations.