PS260 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Semantic Network, Implicit Memory, Episodic Memory

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27 Feb 2013

Document Summary

Long term memory: forgetting: characteristics, manner in which it is lost. Younger memory traces are more vulnerable to forgetting: rate of forgetting does not vary with degree of original learning. Stronger and weaker original memories forgotten at same rate. Learn repeated items to greater extent: forgetting rate would be the exact same if it was presented once, mechanism, decay, interference. Something has to happen over time to cause the decay: absence of rehearsal, lose neural connection associated, earlier memories interfere with later, more lists someone has learned the more difficult it is to recall the last list. Retroactive: later memories interfere with earlier memory, tulving. Encoding specificity hypothesis: cannot retrieve some memories because do not have appropriate or specific cue. Results: original learning, very stagnant, good cues for memory, gradual decline, approx the same or bit better with right cue, non cued, cued, decay vs interference. Same as stm: over load retrieval cues.