PS260 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Psych, Lexical Decision Task, Iconic Memory

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14 Dec 2012

Document Summary

Dynamic structure always changing: processes, different memory systems, operations performed on internal or external stimuli. Had ppl to react as quickly as possible when they were touched. Updating and reinterpreting: donders (simple reaction time) Second task, choice reaction: only respond if right foot is touched, have to make a decision, measure time for choice, then simple, choice is longer, structuralism. Isolate, describe the basic building blocks of cognition: giving different stimuli, tell what they were thinking about how they felt, not very informative as it is very subjective, not all our processes are conscious. Implicit- conscious, explicit-unconscious: assumes all processes/product of cognition available to. Problems consciousness: no objective testability, ebbinghaus. Dark attic full of stuff that you aren"t currently thinking about, once light is shone on it, object becomes part of primary memory. 7 +/- 2 is not the best: actually smaller. Sum is greater than the individual parts.