PS102 Study Guide - Connectionism, Semantic Network, Episodic Memory

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Introduction: encoding forming a memory code, remembering how it looks, how it sounds, what it means, requires attention, storage maintaining encoded information in memory over time, retrieval recovering information from memory stores. Involves deciding how or whether information is personally relevant: we are more likely to remember information when it is relevant to ourselves. Information lies in the strength of the connections. Interference theory proposes that people forget information because of competition form other material. Assumed to be the greatest when intervening material is most similar to the test material. Decreasing the similarity should reduce interference and cause less forgetting. Retroactive interference occurs when new information impairs the retention of previously learned information; occurs between the original learning and the retest on that learning. Chapter 7: human memory: absentmindedness refers to a memory failure that is often due to a failure to pay attention because we are preoccupied with other things (ex.