PS102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sleep Deprivation, Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, Sensory Neuron

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21 Jun 2013

Document Summary

Chapter 5: body rhythms & mental states11/8/2012 6:37:00 pm. The awareness of internal and external stimuli: 1. Your awareness of your internal sensations: 3. Your awareness of your self as the unique being having these experiences: 4. Your awareness of your thoughts about these experiences. The 24/hr biological cycles found in humans and many other species. Relies on external & internal cues: external (entrainment) In the absence of time cues humans still live out a 24 hr day. When external cues change: internal desynchronization. Occurs when you flu across multiple time zones. Wake patterns adjust quickly, temperature and hormone levels take several days. Effects your energy level, mental skills, motor coordination. Seasonal affective disorder (sad: feelings of sadness, lethargy, drowsiness & craving carbs, more common in females. Pms: hormone levels rise and fall, no universal ties to emotion and menstrual cycle.