PS101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Countertransference, Dream Interpretation, Psychodynamics

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Psychodynamic therapies: underlying assumption, tension between unconscious impulses and current constraints of life. Free association; therapist analysis of resistance, transference, and dreams; catharsis; and working through problems. Sees abnormal functioning as rooted in same processes as normal functioning. What"s the pro(cid:271)le(cid:373): repression, how you handle conflicts, suppressing at an unconscious level, goal: help patients achieve insight, release you from your repression. Free association: resistance, dream interpretation, transference and countertransference. Free association: not regular conversation, uncensored verbal stream of thoughts, feelings or images that enter awareness, assumption: free associations are predetermined not random. Free associations and analyst: analyst tracks associations. Catharsis (cid:862)release(cid:863: patient encouraged to explore intense and strong feelings. Feelings that they have repressed for fear of punishment/retaliation. Resistance: therapist expects client to try to maintain status quo, patients unwillingness to discuss a particular topic, consists of: defensive maneuver, unwillingness or inability to approach discuss certain topics, sign that anxiety-arousing material is being approached.