PS101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Null Hypothesis

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21 Apr 2018

Document Summary

The opposite of the hypothesis being answered. The null hypothesis needs to be disproved, in order to prove beginning hypothesis. I. e hypothesis: roses grow better when planted in soil vs. compost. Null hypothesis: roses do not grow better in soil vs. compost. You can either reject the null hypothesis, meaning you believe there is a relationship between the two variables, or you can not reject the null, meaning you believe there is no relationship between the variables. Our prediction, what we expect to happen. A. k. a alternate hypothesis because its alternative to h0. H1 refers to 1 hypothesis, if there are more than one: h2,h3,etc. In an experiment there are two variables: The variable that is manipulated in an experiment, and has some effect on the dependant. If there is change, or effect, we can conclude that the i. v affected the d. v. Ultimate goal is to establish what caused the change in the d. v.