PS101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ethnocentrism, Facial Symmetry, Classical Conditioning

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2 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Social psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the way individual"s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by others. Person perception the process of forming impressions of others. Studies have shown that judgments of other"s personality are often swayed by their appearance, especially their physical attractiveness. Research findings suggest that there is little correlation between attractiveness and personality traits. Good looks seem to have relatively little impact on perception of honestly and integrity. Observers are quick to draw inferences about people based on how they move, talk, and gesture. Even though every individual is unique, people tend to categorize one another. Individuals use schemas to organize the world around them. Social schemes are organized clusters of ideas about categories of social events and people. Schemas help people to efficiently process and store the wealth of information they take in about others in their interactions.