PS101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Twin Study, Personal Unconscious, Psychoanalytic Theory

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2 Nov 2016

Document Summary

All individuals can be described in terms of characteristics that make up their personalities. No one is entirely consistent in behavior, the quality of consistency across situations lies at the core of the concept of personality. Distinctiveness is central to the concept of personality. Each person has traits that are seen in other people, but each individual has his or her own distinctive set of personality traits. Personality refers to an individuals unique constellation of consistent behavioral traits. A personality trait is a durable disposition to behave in a particular way in a variety of situations. Some traits are more basic than others. A small number of fundamental traits determine other, more superficial traits. In factor analysis, correlations among many variables are analyzed to identify closely related clusters of variables. An individual"s personality can be described completely by measuring just 16 traits.