PS101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Longitudinal Study, Sex Organ

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2 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Development is the sequence of age-related changes that occur as a person"s progresses from conception to death. Includes both the biological and behavioral changes that take place as people grow older. Life span divided into four broad periods:1) prenatal period, between conception and birth, 2) childhood, 3) adolescence, and 4) adulthood. Zygote is a one-celled organism formed by the union of a sperm and an egg. Each of your cells contain enduring messages from your parents carried on the chromosomes that lie within its nucleus. The prenatal period extends from conception to birth, usually encompassing nine months of pregnancy. Great deal of important development occurs before birth. Prenatal period divided into three phases: 1) germinal stage( first two weeks), 2) the embryonic stage( two weeks to two months), and 3) fetal stage (two months to birth) Germinal stage is the first phase of prenatal development, encompassing the first two weeks after conception.