PP247 : PO333 Monday, January 21st, 2013.docx

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Document Summary

The concept of modern international law the way we talk about it today: has only been with us since westphalia, the dawn of the modern era, series of treaties; known as the peace of westphalia. Gave us 3 or 4 key features. No one else would interfere: international law wasn"t vertical it was horizontal. Lands are the command of the sovereign; but can you really have international law if there is no sovereign: reiteration fo prinicple of westaphalia, sovereign is the supreme commander issues orders subjects. Must obey: in horizontal system it does not work that way, if we are all equal no one is subject to any other one. Principle of legal personality: legal personality grants standing before court, need ti to have standing. Standing allows bearer to enter into contract; have rights; enter into treaties. With very few exceptions does international alw recognize the individual: two areas of international law that does allow some individualism.