PP247 Study Guide - Wall, Kentucky Educational Television, Creaton

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Should be second nature: structure of international law; westephalia and the application of international law. Should be conversent in legal instruments that give them force: should be able to talk about and identify key elements of concepts such as political standing/custom/opinion juris/oral declarations and certainly reservations. By now you should have raised your ability to engage in knowledgeable discussion on key featuers: jus cogens, ergo omnes, hierarchy of peremptory norms. And statehood; what it is what it requires when does it dissolve and how can it intersect with the principle of self determination. Four legal principles used to claim title: cession, occupation (inchoate, prescription (effective occupation, conquest (right of self-defense) First decision to modernize claims by states to possess title to a territory: product of the previous century, likewise in 1928 the world was a product of and influenced by the previous century.