PP247 Study Guide - Member States Of The United Nations, Just War Theory, Peremptory Norm

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Started after world war 1 but settled after ww2. By the time un was born in 1945 the recognition that war had to be strictly controlled. The un charter divided into chapters: the articles contained in each chapter related by theme. Articles in chapter 1 address the pirnciples of the charter and un. All members shall refrain in international relations from the threat or the use of force against. : or in any other manner inconsistent with the aims and purposes of the. 1; article 2; regarded as international law; and a rule of international law. Applies to all states whether members of un or not. Article 2 (4) does not talka botu war: war post 1945 is a technical term not used any more, say use of force" instead. The prohibition against all use of force can be seen as a good thing for international peace and security.