PP217 Study Guide - Haniel, Moral Relativism, Informed Consent

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1 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Philosophical method: identify the problem (engage doubt and sense of wonder) formulate questions and problems/break down the problem into pieces and examine. What is ethics? is being ethical the same as acting within the law: not all congruent, with medicine, law is always catching up because it moves too fast. Theoretical foundation of rights and obligations in health care relationships. Practical moral issues arising within these relationships. Hippocratic oath father of western medicine, doctors used to have to swear this oath. Modernized: collaborative with new knowledge, all required measures , confidentiality, may save, but may take a life -> idea of doctors can"t be killers gone, treat them as individuals and whole person. Anael being treated for cancerous tumours in brain and spinal cord: recommended chemo but parents chose healthy diet, officials asked province"s child protection agency to intervene. Considerations: capacity to make decision, expertise, chance of survival with chosen treatment course, protect children, short-term vs. long-term.