PP111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Epicurus, Derek Parfit, Reductionism

123 views4 pages
13 Dec 2015

Document Summary

A branch of philosophy that is concerned with questions about what is real and about the kinds of things that exist. Epistemology: branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of knowledge, certainty, justification, and related concepts. Longstanding debates concern what can be known and how, whether it is possible to acquire certainty, whether preconception is a source of knowledge, and so on. Explanation: an account of why something happens or why it is the case. Justification: a reason for believing that a proposition is true or is likely to not be true. Sensible things: a term used by plato to refer to things with which we are acquainted through sense experience. Essences: what all things of the same kind have in common that qualifies them to be things of that kind. Plato: athenian philosopher, student of socrates and teacher of aristole. Widely regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of all time.