PP110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Retributive Justice, Michael Walzer, Tobias Wolff

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Consequentialists ethical theories hold that a morally right action is one that produces more good and fewer bad consequences than any other action. Ethical egoism a morally right action is one that produces more good and fewer bad consequences for oneself than any other action. Hedonism egoists (epicurus) claim that good consequences are those that produce pleasure for onself, whereas bad consequences are those that produce pain. Other egoists argue that good consequences produce knowledge, power, or self-realization. Utilitarianism claims that a morally right action is one that produces more good and fewer bad consequences for everyone than any other action. Mills we should take into consideration the quality of the pleasure qualitative issues. Moore new version of utilitarianism ideal - other goods such as knowledge, beauty and life have intrinsic value. Arne naess nature actually has a dignity or intrinsic value that cannot be measured in the way that utilitarianism requires.